

You worked hard to get here and we want to reward you

Transfer academic merit-based scholarships are awarded during the application review process and are based on your grade point average (GPA), your participation in Phi Theta Kappa (community college honor society), or your participation in another college honor society. Transfer academic scholarships are renewable provided you maintain the required GPA each year and maintain full-time enrollment.


  • Transfer Excellence, Success, or Merit 奖学金
    • 奖励基于平均成绩 
    • 每学年$25,500-$28,000不等
    • Contact the Office of Admission for further details on eligibility.
    • 为期3个学年 provided the minimum GPA requirement is maintained.
  • Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)
    • 每学年3000美元.
    • Must be a member of PTK at the most recently attended college.
    • 为期3个学年
  • 院系荣誉协会
    • 每学年1000美元
    • Must be a member of a college honor society (limit of one scholarship)
    • 为期3个学年


作为一个转校生,你可以 才艺奖学金选拔 in the areas of music, theatre, art, and forensics. They are renewable depending on department funding and your continued participation. For further information, contact the Office of Admission.



学生 who plan to enroll in the 谢默伟大的书籍学校 at 中北书院 may participate in a scholarship competition. All students who submit a successful essay will then be invited to visit and meet current Shimer School students and faculty for a discussion of their essay. Recipients will receive the Montaigne 奖学金 up to $5,000 annually in addition to their current academic scholarship. This scholarship is renewable annually at the same dollar amount pending departmental approval.



Transfer students may be recommended by an alum of 中北书院 to receive a $1,每年1000万奖学金. Each alum is only entitled to one recommendation per academic year and students are limited to one alumni scholarship applied to their first academic year. Deadline to refer a prospective student is March 15th. If you know an alum, have them recommend you for this scholarship. 点击 在这里 推荐一个学生!




North Central has been fortunate to receive donations from generous alumni and friends of the College for the establishment of endowed scholarships. 

To apply for endowed scholarships, please visit 学术著作 and sign in using your Merlin user ID and password.

Several donors and affiliates of the College also offer opportunities for transfer students. Listed below are some brief overviews of a few of the opportunities listed on 学术著作.


  • Grant for Children of Full-Time United Methodist (UM) Clergy
    • 家长必须是全职澳大神职人员
    • Renewable, provided student continues to meet criteria
  • United Methodist Grant Fund of the Northern Illinois Conference
    • Student must be a member of UMNIC with financial need 
    • Renewable, provided student continues to meet criteria
  • 联合卫理公会奖学金
    • One scholarship application that will consider only North Central students for over 15 different UM scholarships
    • 奖学金s are not renewable, but can be re-considered upon new application 
  • United Methodist 奖学金s - General Board of Higher 教育 & 部 
    • Available to active student members of UM church
    • 申请日期为1月初 gbhem.org 


  • 布克霍尔德演讲/传播奖学金
    • Student must be full-time and interested in speech communication and theatre
  • 新兴作家的焦点 奖学金 
    • Applicants must be a high school senior or incoming transfer student interested in literature or writing
    • Renewable with department approval of meeting criteria 
    • Student will have the opportunity to be published in the North Central Review literary journal 30North
  • 模拟审判奖学金
    • Open to high school seniors and incoming transfer students.
    • 学生必须参加NCC模拟审判队
    • Renewable with department approval of meeting criteria


  • 教育专业奖学金. 罗杰·K·博兰德. 米尔德丽德·阮·古德温、珍妮·尤尔)
    • 累积平均绩点必须在3分以上.0
    • Bohlander and Goodwin are renewable by re-application and selection annually
    • 圣诞节经部门确认可续期


  • John Miller Cowlishaw Memorial 奖学金 for 音乐
    • 学生 majoring/minoring in music, music education, or musical theatre
    • 累积平均绩点必须在3分以上.0


  • FIRST Tech Challenge and FIRST Robotics Competition 
    • 学生 majoring in mechanical, electrical, or computer engineering 
    • Must have actively participated in the FIRST Tech Challenge or the FIRST Robotics Competition during junior or senior year of high school
  • Navistar工程领域的新兴领导者 
    • 学生 majoring in mechanical, electrical, or computer engineering 
    • Preference is given to underrepresented students 
    • Renewable, provided student continues to meet criteria


  • Bill Shatzer and Suzanne Shatzer Doerge 奖学金
    • Student must demonstrate leadership and determination to overcome disadvantages
    • 考虑到经济需要